Friday, September 12, 2008

library loot

Avast! So after a list posted by ciara about pirate novels, I was inspired to try to nab a few piratical romance novels from my local library. unfortunately, my online search queries yielded only one of the books on her pirate list was stocked in my library. fortunately, it was quickly available and reserved for me. Over my lunch break I wandered the paperback shelves and grabbed a couple of other titles that I've not yet read. Actually, it's been eons since I've visited my local library. So there were some books there that I don't recall seeing before. My little haul...

I'm 2/3 through this already. It's kind of goofy fun. Lots of anachronistic language but cheerful and kind of slapstick. And you gotta love the old skool cover. CHEST! heh. But I am a little annoyed by the distinct lack of shivering of timbers. if you know what i mean. hey, i know. i'm shallow, but at least i'm honest.

I always cruise by the F and G section of authors with my head turned sideways to read the spines. Lots of F and G authors that I like. Feather, Foley, Garwood, Goodman, etcetera. Hey, lookee a Gaelen Foley book that I haven't read! Blurb talks of an "irresistible Major Derek Knight...newly returned from India." k, I do like those Knight boys. I'll bite. Of course, as all visitors to the foreign eastern lands, this guy is supposed to have mad skilz in bedz. kama sutra and all that. I'm doubtful cuz back blurbs rarely live up to their hype, but we shall see...

Have I mentioned how bereaved I am that Ms. Hunter continues to let her obvious talents of writing medievals languish in favor of more mainstream european historical aka regency boredom? *sigh* That said, I do like her writing style. So against my better judgement, I picked up this one too. I haven't read anything about it yet. No reviews that I can recall. An overused plot device is indicated in the summary (the ol' hero purchases heroine in bidding game from wastrel male family member thang) but who knows how it may turn out.

And to top it all off, I am STILL working my way through Loretta Chase's The Lion's Daughter. I had started it and gotten about 1/3 through before losing interest and putting it down for a month or so. Then in the past week, I've started back where I left off, reading a chapter or two at a time before bed. It's interesting because although I would think that a book that took me this long to get through would be one that I disliked, it's not the case. I'm enjoying it. But for some reason I'm enjoying it better by taking my time rather than racing through. hmm.

ahhhh, books. and the amazingest part is that they're FREE!


Dev said...

Happy reading!!! :-) I may have to checkout the MacGregor book. It sounds like fun!

Marg said...

I liked Master of Seduction, which was MacGregor's other Pirate book, but thought this one was pretty dire actually!

I do enjoy both Gaelen Foley and Madeline Hunter.

I love the fact that I can borrow so many great books from my library! I couldn't afford to read anywhere near as much as I do if I wasn't borrowing them from the library.

Carolyn Crane said...

Oh, what a haul! I would just put those books around my house cover out, to look at them - they are so fun, especially pirate of her own. When not reading them, of course.

Kristie (J) said...

Ahhhhh Henry - how I miss thee.

Ciara said...

I read A PIRATE OF HER OWN early on in my "discovering Romance novels" phase, before I realized Kinley MacGregor was the same person as Sherrilyn Kenyon. Is it weird that I like Sherrilyn's writing a hell of a lot better? APOHO is sillier than silly. I agree, there should have been a lot more shivering timbers. lol. Best pirate romance is still PIRATES OF THE CARRABEAN: THE BLACK PEARL. I know, I know - it's a movie not a book. But I haven't read a pirate romance novel that comes close to POTC's greatness. If you find one, let me know!

Tracy said...

I read the Madeline Hunter and it was ok. I don't remember it being wonderful but it was a while ago. :)

Great haul on the pirate theme!