Tuesday, August 12, 2008

go world

hey there, world. What's up? Oh yeah....the OLYMPICS!!! I have no idea why I am so fascinated by the games. S'rsly. I'm not typically a sports person and I don't follow any particular sport throughout the year. (Well, with the exception of the occasional figure skating or gymnastic thing caught while flipping channels.) But yeah, something pretty transfixing about this whole 2+ weeks of international competition and drama. How bout that Michael Phelps? It's almost insane how fast he swims. The men's team gymnastic competition last night was intense. And oh yeah, who knew that synchronized diving was a sport? not me! (I still can't quite decipher how the judges can figure out how to award points) But it's all pretty fascinating. Would be even better if NBC wasn't determined to manufacture sappy drama and tell us how to feel. Just let me draw my own conclusions, dammit!

On the reading front, I have completed the latest Kresley Cole (loved it), McCarty's "Sam's Creed" (mmm, sexay) and Joanna Bourne's "My Lord and Spymaster" (that gal can WRITE). All deserve reviews which I am currently too distracted to write. But that just gives me an excuse to re-read them later. heh.

And finally, I would like to wish my dear friend KristieJ a very happy belated birthday! May your day be blessed with muliple RICHard sightings. *g*


Carrie Lofty said...

Open cravat. Gah! *drools*

Tracy said...

Yes, yes! The Olympics are wonderful, yet a huge time suck. But they're so great!

You've read some great books! Keep up the good work!

azteclady said...

See, sometimes not having a working tv (well, it works, it's just never on :grin:) actually helps.

Or at least, it enables all the other time sucks out there...

Christine said...

We LOVE the Olympics in my house. Its totally cutting into my reading time...

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly about the synchronized diving...is that new this year? I don't remember it from the last olympics. The menz haz teeny tiny suitz.

Did you see the footage of the Hungarian weightlifter blowing his elbow out of socket? Ewww.

I need to get that Sam's Creed.

sula said...

carrie, i just never get tired of looking at his neck. it's some sort of condition, i think. but i don't want to be cured.

tracy, you got the word right. "time suck". exhibit A: my blog and my reaction time to comments. lol.

az, i think i will get a lot more done once my BF moves back to school and takes the TV with him. then I'll be forced to fight the other housemates for use of the living room set.

christine, how have you been liking the games? i figure the books will still be waiting for me after it's over.

kim, someone told me that this is the 3rd olympics in which synchro diving has been held. but yeah...teeeny tiny speedos. too bad that the divers are generally more slight of build than the hunky racing swimmers who are all covered up in spandex. *pout*

Kristie (J) said...

Why thank you! I will always remember this birthday as the Birthday I was Sick. I was in bed much of the day and got up to go for dinner and then got back in my jammies.
And that is an ever so lovely picture of John Thornton
*longing sigh*

sula said...

awww, kristie. what a shame to be sick on your b-day. i hope you took the time to curl up in bed and watch some good movies. like the vicar of dibley. :) that episode is better than chicken noodle soup.

mmmm, cravat!

Christine said...

We've been loving the games.

My only problem with it is the beach volleyball. Why do the women wear sports bras and panties and the men wear t shirts and baggie shorts to their knees? That's so incredibly sexist. I say the guys should be playing only wearing boxer brief type shorts. Its only fair, don't you think?

sula said...

christine, i totally agree. it's completely unfair. you can't tell me that the women "need" to wear skin-tight bikinis that don't obstruct their movement and the men can wear long baggy pants and shirts. uh uh. Only fair to have speedos for all. :)